The nominees for the 2024 Premier's Awards
Centennial College

Journalism Diploma, 2015
Aysanabee is an award-winning multi-instrumentalist, producer and singer-songwriter currently based in Toronto. He is Oji-Cree, Sucker Clan of the Sandy Lake First Nation, a remote fly-in community in Northwestern Ontario. In March 2024, Aysanabee made history as the first Indigenous artist to win the JUNO Award for Alternative Album of the Year and the coveted Songwriter of the Year for his most recent album Here and Now.
Centennial College
Anita Agrawal

E-Commerce Post-Graduate Diploma, 2001
Conestoga College
Dima Aldera

Graphic Design Advance Diploma, 2022
English Language Studies, 2019
Canadore College
Sameer Aljabawi

Mechanical Engineering, 2024
Pre-Health Sciences, 2022
St. Clair College
Ursell Arends

International Business Management, 2005
Niagara College
Amy Audibert

Broadcasting - Radio, Television and Film, 2012
St. Lawrence College
Jordan Belisle

Bachelor of Applied Arts (Behavioural Psychology), 2013
Sheridan College
Michelle Bell

Bachelor of Health Sciences - Athletic Therapy, 2011
Algonquin College
Carl Bowker

Advanced Paramedic, 2000
Aeromedical, 1998
Paramedic, 1998
Seneca Polytechnic
Kris Boyce

Law Enforcement, 1984
Algonquin College
Sheena Brady

Hospitality Management - Hotel and Restaurant, 2009
Niagara College
Daniel Brennan

Business Administration - Personnel Management, 1979
Lambton College
Dave Brown

Radio, Television and Journalism Arts, 1985
Lambton College
Lisa Brush

Business Administration, 1990
Conestoga College
Dan Chen

Respiratory Therapy, 2019
George Brown College
Barley Chironda

Practical Nursing, 2009
Seneca Polytechnic
Eunice Sik Tung Chow

Fashion Arts, 2023
Seneca Polytechnic
Kirsti Clarida

Veterinary Technician, 1999
Niagara College
Andrés Coimbra Castedo

Game Development, 2019
Centennial College
Caitlin Cosgrove

Collaborative Nursing Degree, 2023
Addiction and Mental Health Worker Diploma, 2019
Conestoga College
Fiona Coughlin

Business Administration – Management Studies, 2000
Durham College
Chris Cull

Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technician, 2007
Sheridan College
Leah den Bok

Bachelor of Photography, 2022
Confederation College
Ferg Devins

Business Administration - Travel Tourism, 1980
Georgian College
Zein Dhanidina

Fundraising and Resource Development, 2006
Mohawk College
Beverley Dinham Spencer

Communication Arts, 1972
Northern College
Ariel Dougan

Animal Grooming, 2023
Confederation College
Wade Durham

Primary Care Paramedic, 2002
St. Lawrence College
Vanessa Eaton

Business - Advertising and Public Relations, 1994
Loyalist College
Amanda Felske

Cannabis Applied Science, 2019
Chemical Engineering Technologist, 2005
George Brown College
Joy Cardinal Flores

Activation Co-ordinator/Gerontology, 2021
Loyalist College
Laurie French

Nursing, 1987
Cambrian College
Dean Gatien

Business Administration Certificate, 1991
Electrical Engineering Technologist,1985
Northern College
Vanessa Genier

Business Administration and Human Resources, 2011
Fleming College
Heather George

Museum Management and Curatorship, 2008
Sault College
JP Gladu

Forest Technician, 1991
Mohawk College
Ricardo Gonzalez

Graphic Design Production - Creative, 2010
Fleming College
Jacques Graveline

Business Administration - Marketing, 2022
George Brown College
Jose "Pepe" Hadad

Culinary Management, 2002
St. Clair College
Chaouki Hamka

Law and Security Administration, 2009
George Brown College
Marin Hickox

Sport and Event Marketing, 2002
Mohawk College
Stacey Hill

Harness Horse Technician Certificate, 1988
Humber Polytechnic
Kenneth Hykawy

Law Enforcement, 1977
Northern College
Lynne Innes

Nursing, 2002
Loyalist College
Kenneth Jackson

Journalism - Print, 2003
Durham College
Aaron Dale and Jeremy Burns

Police Foundations, 2005
Penology and Youth, 2005
Law and Security Administration, 2004
Fanshawe College
Nasser Kaddoura

Primary Care Paramedic, 2015
Pre-Health Sciences, 2013
Algonquin College
Janis Kahentóktha Monture

Applied Museum Studies, 2003
Mohawk College
Adil Khalqi

Advanced Police Studies, 2020
Police Foundations, 2019
Collège La Cité
Marie-Josée Lalande

Production télévisuelle (Television Broadcasting), 2007
Niagara College
Stephanie Leheta

Medical Record Technologist, 1993
Fanshawe College
Alexander Leonard

Marketing Management, 2019
Lambton College
Ryan Lindsay

Hospitality Management, 2003
St. Lawrence College
Joshua Lobo

Paramedic, 2011
Conestoga College
Jolene MacDonald

Graphic Design, 1999
Lambton College
Tracy MacDonald

Social Service Worker, 2022
Computer Programming, 2000
St. Clair College
Dan MacDonald

Journalism - Print and New Media, 2002
Humber Polytechnic
Jeff MacGregor

Advertising Copywriting, 2008
Georgian College
Holly Martin

Personal Support Worker, 2014
Seneca Polytechnic
Ginella Massa

Broadcast Journalism, 2010
Lambton College
Helen Smith and Matthew Smith

Child and Youth Worker, 2007
General Arts and Science, 2007
Police Foundations, 2005
Helen and Matthew Smith are the founders of Roo & You, a children's play company established in 2020 focused on providing affordable, high-quality children’s products that grow with children’s needs. Partnering with brands like Harry Potter and Barbie, and leveraging a strong social media presence, they've achieved significant sales with consistent annual growth. The Smiths stay ahead of competitors by developing products with both child and parent experiences in mind. Committed to innovation and philanthropy, their goal is to offer quality products while giving back to the community.
Georgian College
Jama Maxie

Social Service Worker, 2020
George Brown College
Denise Booth McLeod

Assaulted Women and Children's Counselor and Advocate, 2006
Conestoga College
Troy Miller

Business Administration - Marketing, 1993
Centennial College
Janet Montague

Nursing Diploma, 2001
St. Lawrence College
Ariane Morin

Welding and Fabrication Technician, 2023
Seneca Polytechnic
Josephine Muhaya

Honours Bachelor of Child Development, 2016
Early Childhood Education, 2014
Durham College
Shelby Nelson

Sport Administration, 2000
Georgian College
Andrew Ojamae

Automotive Marketing and Management, 2001
Niagara College
Karen Paschert

Critical Care Nursing, 2006
Nursing, 1991
Sheridan College
Ramon Perez

Illustration, 1995
St. Lawrence College
Tim Porter

Music Theatre - Performance, 2007
Centennial College
Cheyanne Ratnam

Social Service Worker Diploma, 2009
Cambrian College
Randi Ray

Physical Fitness and Leisure Management, 2008
Canadore College
Mandy Richard

Journalism - Print and Broadcast, 2013
Fleming College
Aaron Robitaille

Graphic Design - Visual Communication Advanced Diploma, 2020
Fleming College
Francine Sam

Practical Nursing, 2024
Fanshawe College
George Seara

Music Industry Arts - Recording Engineering, 1997
Humber Polytechnic
Sanchari Sen Rai

Immigration Consultant, 2019
Loyalist College
Mike Shoreman

Public Relations, 2007
Advertising, 2006
Sault College
Carter Simpson

CIEC Health and Fitness Promotion, 2016
St. Clair College
Bhupinder Singh

Event Management, 2019
Human Resources
Algonquin College
John-Philippe Smith

Masonry - Heritage and Traditional, 2004
Masonry Techniques, 2003
Durham College
Paula Sojo

Video Production, 2024
Humber Polytechnic
George Stroumboulopoulos

Broadcasting - Radio, 1993
Confederation College
Bhawana Subedi

Digital Marketing and Marketing Analytics, 2021
Georgian College
Markie Tuckett

Interior Decorating, 2013
Humber Polytechnic
Steve Urszenyi

Paramedic, 1983
Canadore College
Grace Valenti

Early Childhood Education, 1996
Sheridan College
Mark Wafer

Social Service Worker, 1982
Mohawk College
Lori-Ann Zozzolotto

Nursing (BScN), 2012